Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Is The Best Gift To Give In The Debut?

The world does not end. But rapidly changing, 8 Evolution

the orbit of the idea contained in the expression "We are 30 years under the neoliberal hegemony ' already said earlier. Now'll bring data intended to show how over the last 30 years in Spain do not seem to have won these ideas. No doubt there were and there but the figures show that the battle between these ideas and others has resulted in a result that ideas Social Democrats.

Factors that have contributed to it, now go to another level, because the first thing is to show some results extracted from the overall presentation of the work on the public capital (and therefore private)''Historical Series Public Capital in Spain 1900-2005'', published by the BBVA Foundation in collaboration with the IVIE show that the importance of public sector increased dramatically in the democratic stage, which is contradictory to the neo-liberal ideas, an important aspect of which is the weight reduction the public and give the ultimate power to the private sector

The conclusion from the above data, is that in Spain was installed just the welfare state in these years under 30s neoliberal hegemony. " The results, no data already known in practice in our way of life for many millions of English, but for some reason have not been accepted by left-wing sectors. Even some others who accept this reality do not feel involved in it as its protagonists.


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