Saturday, May 7, 2011

In A Corner Of A Playground There Lives A Monster

communication democratic Spain 2

Spain vs republican democratic Spain:
Some indicators can relate that Spain and this. In all cases, age of admission to employment, illiteracy, mortality rates, life expectancy, the data reflect human relationships with repression, exploitation and the material conditions of life, reflecting degrees of freedom, equality, solidarity and justice. In these data are now locked and struggles to change them, not just numbers.

Age at work: In 'Survey Sociodemographic '1991, published by the INE drew such juicy details as these:
men who began work before age 16: 74% for those born in the twenties, who were young people working in the Republic. For only 24% of those born in the sixties, young people working in the post-Franco.
Women who began work before age 16: 57% for those born in the twenties, by 20% for those born in the sixties.
I guess you have to understand that these children / young people who start work are not going to school.

Illiteracy has to do with the possibility education, culture and progress, but also more freedom and equality between sexes and classes.
Republicans in the years around a third of the population were still illiterate, with women more weight than men. Since the 85 are below 6%, which obviously has to do primarily with the elderly population that praised both the old statistics.

mortality rates, have to do with health and living and working conditions. If the republican years was above 16 per thousand, being reduced to half in the democratic years.

infant mortality rates. pass a 118 per thousand in the Republican period to 8 per thousand in the late sixties. A great leap forward in childbirth and early child care, which deals with a different social model, in addition to a medical achievements.

Life expectancy at birth, influence health, to education, with material and cultural conditions of life. In this case, has nearly doubled since the twenties.


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