Thursday, May 5, 2011

Florida Driving License

Exceptional Group: GNA 32

I am pleased and happy to share with you via e-mail Angelita Burgos Architect, part of this wonderful group of women recently graduated from the School of Architecture UASD who dared to question his training and had the courage to form a study group on architecture that eventually became the Nuevarquitectura Group, sent to Emilio Brea and myself.
This exceptional group formed by Angelita Burgos, Edda Grullon, Sheila Lee, Karam and Nouris Fatima Bello, shall constitute, and in fact constitutes an example for young students of architecture and young architects today, so enmeshed in "rendering" and the "fashion architecture" (to speak the language you want to use and demonstrate in their designs) but so indifferent to the critical processes and skills and especially the social and ideological processes.
In a world where even the self-proclaimed "intellectual breakthrough" to boast of Utopias and exhibit a "pragmatism" irresponsible that has produced only more poverty and inequality, identify real and positive models that deny the claim concerned.
Thanks you, Angelita and all of you, Edda, Fatima, Sheila, Nouris, to realize a memorable project!

Keep on dreaming and riding on the Utopias!


Angelita Burgos, Emilio Brea. Nouris Bello, Omar Rancier.
back, Manuel Pujols, Sheila Lopez and Dr. Camilo

Good night dear Omar and Emilio:
We got together 32 years, wanting to continue studying to fill gaps and reflect on the meaning of being an architect and what we should do to get it right.

Then with income of you, what started as a private was made public, cuestionante, critical pedagogy, with a range that even today I marvel at the hard-working, communication, invention, showing professionalism in the evolution and transformation of the group, thanks to its tenacious and systematic work is a landmark in the history of the Dominican architecture.

Thank you for always reminding us that we are first part of this project and we live in an age in which we could change professional approach and make a New Architecture best for everyone.

Sincerely, Angelita
Cover of "100 sheets of Architecture" published in 1984
Arquivox Magazine / GNA, Year I No. 1, June / August 1984
advertisement of the event "Modern Architecture '83 in the Dominican Republic.
Lecture and exhibition of unrealized projects." The sketch is of Plácido Piña.


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