Monday, May 9, 2011

Drag Queens Penis Hiding

election campaign began

The officer, because the real began long ago to be accurate on the day following the last election. I was a little skeptical because the issue of the election campaign, the trap contains, for not being able to say something yesterday and tomorrow another, and the last day of rest. It is not the case everywhere. I look at the legislation, particularly simplicity, to avoid further expense to try to do less damage to complaints without rhyme or reason that only poison and have nothing to do with politics, for example if you can not do or ask openings vote one day every other.

does not make sense if it calls for the vote yesterday to ask today is reportable and legal. If justice is already collapsed, adding fuel to avoid superfluous fire, avoid wastage of resources. Ask for a vote with videos and posters, is the same order it from the supposedly free press and independent owners, or from the DTT. Ask the vote does not need the phrase "vote for so and so 'to be bold and direct, any gathering crush the opponent / enemy, praising the' good 'to which we must vote. And this is daily, before, during and after the campaign 15 days.

Or order it from internet, many pages, which are long overdue. The 'curious' is that after a few pages denounce the parties do otherwise. Just happens that some individuals are and other parties are, conclusion, or support parties make individual pages from the publication and ask for a vote.

visits to buildings, prohibited by electoral boards are the same electorally speaking visits to the banks of the Manzanares, which are open, or similar to the vision of the buildings, neighborhoods, hospitals, etc. etc. an entire term, are just a day that another election. Does anybody believe in the magic of the 15 days prior to pick up more votes.

On reflection if removed, for example, does not seem to harm or benefit anyone in particular, only serves to put a ditch on that trip. Our electoral laws
need a good review, which is bleeding point on behalf of the 2 major parties and the under-representation of UI and UPyD, driven by greater voting weight in empty provinces to the detriment of the predominantly populated. As I explained in another post, is not entirely true that the law favors the nationalists, but harms the general minority. Certainly in the UK wanted to fix something, take on two classic representation and increase the umpire and the citizens have voted against it.

really this aspect of the law was a ploy that was plucked from UCD to get majorities, because your criteria then thought that in the less populated interior provinces would find the necessary support to give them electoral victory, provided they had more weight than the other provinces. People thought they would find less quarrelsome, less red, less democratic, less democratic contaminated air, but Franco and sediment biggest fears.

streets signs full of repeated double those that put contractors on every lamppost. Seriously someone thinks that score increases. I think not. The rallies are a different story, do not add more votes than insurance, but they serve to mobilize members and supporters, to increase the identity sign and give to each stirring capacity in their daily lives.

The TVs, newspapers, internet, etc. etc. all influence, no doubt, but I think it made much impact in the four previous years to the global identification, ideological, or even local. Come on, that the crisis will sweep the remaining issues will have greater strength than it did your mayor.
In any case, I seem to see less season than usual, fewer cars and flags, fewer people in the streets shouting, less deployment of militants.

The derechona their own business, electoral terrorism stops. Thus avoid having to say something about the crisis, who will then win or lose but also open a door wearing clear left whole.


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