The crisis will sweep to the left
And not for five years, but several, and not just social, everyone. The next election will be the second act, culminating in the general election, the third act. I hope I'm wrong!, I've never wanted so badly.
These lines are intended as introduction and explanation of the texts that I am grouping on the crisis, both economically and politically that we play today. The economy is not something alien to politics, the two go hand in hand, are interrelated social action, so expect to see one without the other, as still taught in some universities is basically a trap for the unwary.
When I started writing this blog came the previous 'in my neighborhood' of 2009. A pessimistic view of the future, I drove, but at first had more places for other aspects of life because they saw in the distance, and why not, I dreamed that fix confident that my subjective view might be too black, little a little thing, she became more disastrous every day.
So this blog is focused almost exclusively on the crisis, leaving out other elements. On the economics I checked the existence of extra material better than mine, books, articles, press, foundation data, national and international agencies, etc. but what was not satisfactorio eran debates políticos y respuestas en las izquierdas, poco adecuadas a la magnitud de los problemas que vivíamos, me faltaba encontrar el engranaje, la grasa política que arrimara la crisis económica a las izquierdas.
Ese es el terreno que empezó a definirse en ‘Arian seis’, uniendo la economía con la política, aquí en lo inmediato. Mi visión del asunto me lleva a recordar la Gran Bretaña que dejó la Thacher, reflejada por tan buenas películas. Aquello probablemente sea cercano a lo que podría ocurrirnos a nosotros, también las visiones de países sudamericanos con su enorme dualidad de ricos y pobres. Ello guía mis escritos sobre los problemas de la left, trying the concrete analysis of our reality, trying to explain what is happening with rational thinking on the usefulness of immediate influence.
texts that I publish on the debate on the left, (linked on the side) and soon to empty out, contain a basic principle that is the possible defeat of the Left in recent years and that the transformations that produce the right outlast the rest of my life, some 20 years. So I do not dwell on revolutionary outputs that will not see here, I try to put myself in the short-term problems and not in the long run because the immediate reforms of the 4 year term marked the direction of our future life of our children and grandchildren, will distort the industry ever imagined right. Okay
indignant, but not dwell on blame again 'to the neo-liberal' capitalism, that can be left alone, but in reality let alone those that will change the reality for us. Among those who want to participate in politics now there are wide differences, but there are several tens of thousands who are in another wave, or above or below, reject or pass the current policy. Occurred at other times, the left abandoned the fight for political power immediately, gave up his leadership abandoning their Fortunately society.
Among other reasons, the above happens, not enough positive value society in which we live, this conquest of post-Franco transition did not appreciate the need to defend it. Also will the nationalists, Catalans and Basques have never had such an enormous level of self-determination for not being sufficiently valued get destroyed.
also occurs because of poor management and leadership of President Zapatero of his government and leadership of the PSOE, whose role should be largely modified by the same party. Their failure should not keep dragging the organization, and since the problem of building a party is a lengthy process and create an alternative with the potential to influence the short term, is an unlikely dream, it seems that the exit easier, and not without its difficulties is to rely on the current organization aside the socialist leadership team and probably rely on the signing Leaders of 'other places' as was done during the transition. Especially because what else has failed have not been the ideological principles, but the ability to debate and decision making.
My writings on the left attach greater importance to find solutions to short term, because that condition will be my life, my children and granddaughter. The revolution in paradise, I leave for believers, Christians, Islamists, etc.
the past two years we are staking the future, although it does not go to maintain what we have, we should try to avoid its total destruction, which is possible. A brutal regression is waiting, and there are sectors of capital that the government clearly betting PP and future investments delayed pending reforms.
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