Friday, May 6, 2011

Sample Of Opening Prayer In A Debut

defense of democratic Spain

The battle of the communication. The message must arrive

bad enough times that can send back, the amount and depth to undertake the tasks of the reforms carried out in Spain, is very large, will shape the future of this country for 20 years and everything is quite asleep. Revolts, riots and revolutions, I think that little altered, especially if we can not collectively agree on what we want, as much as possible to get today, to defend today. The series of works I have collected on the left have in their starting point the situation quite likely the overwhelming victory of the PP, the right-governed and directed by derechona not entangled in ideological debates, try to change a vast EXPECTRA of society we know today. We seem to have little time to identify what we want, you need to join forces sufficient if we influence our reality.

Although everything seems to be clear for much of the public, to leftist sectors, it is very confusing to identify those who are friends and potential allies, political ideas and practices that have made significant social progress in the vast majority of the English population and what times have been the same. To the extent that deny the progress, even believe it would have been possible to match them have been obtained by Franco, the Aznar and company, neo-liberals, if they had ruled since then is condensed on the ideas of: Va, are same!, the economy is the same, the powers are the usual 'and similar jingles.

These people are a strange mixture of defending what they take away when we lose, but when we do not value it, and also set against utopias or ideal that can not demonstrate that they succeeded somewhere sometime.

always surprised me the uncompromising defense of the Second English Republic by the liberals, mature or young, and the rejection of English democracy, when comparatively speaking, it has achieved greater levels of freedom, more time, more people and social sectors with higher educational achievements, health and care the disadvantaged, elderly, sick, children, minorities, with higher doses of justice, solidarity and equality, than those obtained in those years or at other times.

I'm a big supporter of the Second Republic, whose teachings and experiences have formed a large part of my baggage man, struggles to get its people to overcome poverty and repression in those subhuman living conditions for large sections of population. I believe that some ideas could then be considered the most advanced of the time and it certainly was at stake a new model of life and social organization. But that experience was made then, for a few years with wonderful results for those huge arrears, but well behind those achieved today for the vast majority of the population.

In any case should serve to defend this experience and this, not to choose one, both are better alternatives to those struggles and problems bearing on this current, why historical adventure that is loved unconditionally and it has many unconvinced lovers and so many detractors? I would not dare to accept that political power had greater autonomy so that today regarding the powers, economic, religious and military, or to be more progressive than the current. Massacred defeats the very best of the working class and peasant intellectuals, researchers, university professors, teachers, entrepreneurs, etc. etc. people wake up, the more able are often the most committed, many illustrated, good people with common sense and solidarity and desire for improvement, it certainly contributes to the legend, love these people and defend the Second Republic.

The epic, revolutionary dreams, how to achieve progress, the ethical and aesthetic of those experiences have made a wonderful film, but from time to time to honor those passionate individuals must also put the rationale for not cover and deny the losses that not only were the civil war and post-Franco, enormous need to talk about repression directed by the Republican government against the forces of workers and peasants, in Casas Viejas, 1933, in Asturias 1934, estates and lots of people that filled streets and fields of dead and Republican political prisoners in prisons with anarchists and socialists (there were 30,000 thousand prisoners in February 36).

Normally in the collective imagination of many leftist forget these issues, even forget who the republican governments. From 1931 to 33 the bourgeois government, enlightened, democratic, claimed the land reform, the goal was to resettle peasants 70.00 annually. In 2 years only land was 12,260. But besides the 34 to 36 ruled the financial oligarchy and landlord, breaking reforms, agricultural, military, educational, to the Popular Front electoral victory in February.


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