The crisis will sweep to the left
And not for five years, but several, and not just social, everyone. The next election will be the second act, culminating in the general election, the third act. I hope I'm wrong!, I've never wanted so badly.
These lines are intended as introduction and explanation of the texts that I am grouping on the crisis, both economically and politically that we play today. The economy is not something alien to politics, the two go hand in hand, are interrelated social action, so expect to see one without the other, as still taught in some universities is basically a trap for the unwary.
When I started writing this blog came the previous 'in my neighborhood' of 2009. A pessimistic view of the future, I drove, but at first had more places for other aspects of life because they saw in the distance, and why not, I dreamed that fix confident that my subjective view might be too black, little a little thing, she became more disastrous every day.
So this blog is focused almost exclusively on the crisis, leaving out other elements. On the economics I checked the existence of extra material better than mine, books, articles, press, foundation data, national and international agencies, etc. but what was not satisfactorio eran debates políticos y respuestas en las izquierdas, poco adecuadas a la magnitud de los problemas que vivíamos, me faltaba encontrar el engranaje, la grasa política que arrimara la crisis económica a las izquierdas.
Ese es el terreno que empezó a definirse en ‘Arian seis’, uniendo la economía con la política, aquí en lo inmediato. Mi visión del asunto me lleva a recordar la Gran Bretaña que dejó la Thacher, reflejada por tan buenas películas. Aquello probablemente sea cercano a lo que podría ocurrirnos a nosotros, también las visiones de países sudamericanos con su enorme dualidad de ricos y pobres. Ello guía mis escritos sobre los problemas de la left, trying the concrete analysis of our reality, trying to explain what is happening with rational thinking on the usefulness of immediate influence.
texts that I publish on the debate on the left, (linked on the side) and soon to empty out, contain a basic principle that is the possible defeat of the Left in recent years and that the transformations that produce the right outlast the rest of my life, some 20 years. So I do not dwell on revolutionary outputs that will not see here, I try to put myself in the short-term problems and not in the long run because the immediate reforms of the 4 year term marked the direction of our future life of our children and grandchildren, will distort the industry ever imagined right. Okay
indignant, but not dwell on blame again 'to the neo-liberal' capitalism, that can be left alone, but in reality let alone those that will change the reality for us. Among those who want to participate in politics now there are wide differences, but there are several tens of thousands who are in another wave, or above or below, reject or pass the current policy. Occurred at other times, the left abandoned the fight for political power immediately, gave up his leadership abandoning their Fortunately society.
Among other reasons, the above happens, not enough positive value society in which we live, this conquest of post-Franco transition did not appreciate the need to defend it. Also will the nationalists, Catalans and Basques have never had such an enormous level of self-determination for not being sufficiently valued get destroyed.
also occurs because of poor management and leadership of President Zapatero of his government and leadership of the PSOE, whose role should be largely modified by the same party. Their failure should not keep dragging the organization, and since the problem of building a party is a lengthy process and create an alternative with the potential to influence the short term, is an unlikely dream, it seems that the exit easier, and not without its difficulties is to rely on the current organization aside the socialist leadership team and probably rely on the signing Leaders of 'other places' as was done during the transition. Especially because what else has failed have not been the ideological principles, but the ability to debate and decision making.
My writings on the left attach greater importance to find solutions to short term, because that condition will be my life, my children and granddaughter. The revolution in paradise, I leave for believers, Christians, Islamists, etc.
the past two years we are staking the future, although it does not go to maintain what we have, we should try to avoid its total destruction, which is possible. A brutal regression is waiting, and there are sectors of capital that the government clearly betting PP and future investments delayed pending reforms.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Blueprints Baby Changing Table
defense of democratic Spain, 3
The battle of the communication. The message must
understand and share the love of the dreams of the Second Republic, its symbols, and ideals, but, all reality is different and contradictory (one divides in two) and within these symbols as the flag, military coup fall (not just the 36), are the chiefs, landowners, civil guard then, the fighter and paramilitarized Church, requetés, Falangists CEDA etc. and in all reality, including the current. Why
will impact the defense or abandonment, of Democratic Spain:
1) difficulty we removed, considering the minor. They start by stealing the symbols, some institutions and the flag is almost stolen, appropriated by a party without opposition. Is your flag, recognized around the world, but I think it was one of the few measures Carrillo sensible to try to make common, to try to prevent the drag after it appropriated the image of Spain in Transition.
2) The reality created in the transition goes well beyond the dreams of the past and was possible because all options militants joined and pushed, twisted branch beyond the center, taking it to the crooked end forced the Franco regime and cronies.
3) After the fall of revolutionary myths, Russia, China, Southeast Asia, after millions of deaths and retaliation in all colors and conditions, after knowing these facts, it is impossible, (unjust, inconvenient, incorrect) continue to maintain the mythological dream about the belief of the revolution and paradise. Leave that to those who believe and accept that our current values \u200b\u200bcollected from the anarchist tradition, communist, socialist and republican English.
4) Needless to say, the case of Venezuela, Cuba, and many other states and would-be leaders and role leftist Africa or elsewhere, including national liberation armies of the revolutionary armed forces, engaged in drugs and kidnapping, slaughtering people civilians, all that magma so loved by some, not nearly leagues can approach the welfare state and democratic freedoms English.
5) The defense of this civilization, or model of European society of the late twentieth century from just assumed a tolerable level of life, more acceptable to the vast majority of the population than other places and times, and nothing is accept the absence of tensions, problems, repression, torture, corruption, racketeering, exploitation and many more., requiring constantly struggles and social participation of political parties, unions, social movements, NGO `s, and individuals committed to defending values \u200b\u200bsuch as justice, equality, freedom, solidarity ...
The battle of the communication. The message must
understand and share the love of the dreams of the Second Republic, its symbols, and ideals, but, all reality is different and contradictory (one divides in two) and within these symbols as the flag, military coup fall (not just the 36), are the chiefs, landowners, civil guard then, the fighter and paramilitarized Church, requetés, Falangists CEDA etc. and in all reality, including the current. Why
will impact the defense or abandonment, of Democratic Spain:
1) difficulty we removed, considering the minor. They start by stealing the symbols, some institutions and the flag is almost stolen, appropriated by a party without opposition. Is your flag, recognized around the world, but I think it was one of the few measures Carrillo sensible to try to make common, to try to prevent the drag after it appropriated the image of Spain in Transition.
2) The reality created in the transition goes well beyond the dreams of the past and was possible because all options militants joined and pushed, twisted branch beyond the center, taking it to the crooked end forced the Franco regime and cronies.
3) After the fall of revolutionary myths, Russia, China, Southeast Asia, after millions of deaths and retaliation in all colors and conditions, after knowing these facts, it is impossible, (unjust, inconvenient, incorrect) continue to maintain the mythological dream about the belief of the revolution and paradise. Leave that to those who believe and accept that our current values \u200b\u200bcollected from the anarchist tradition, communist, socialist and republican English.
4) Needless to say, the case of Venezuela, Cuba, and many other states and would-be leaders and role leftist Africa or elsewhere, including national liberation armies of the revolutionary armed forces, engaged in drugs and kidnapping, slaughtering people civilians, all that magma so loved by some, not nearly leagues can approach the welfare state and democratic freedoms English.
5) The defense of this civilization, or model of European society of the late twentieth century from just assumed a tolerable level of life, more acceptable to the vast majority of the population than other places and times, and nothing is accept the absence of tensions, problems, repression, torture, corruption, racketeering, exploitation and many more., requiring constantly struggles and social participation of political parties, unions, social movements, NGO `s, and individuals committed to defending values \u200b\u200bsuch as justice, equality, freedom, solidarity ...
Monday, May 9, 2011
Drag Queens Penis Hiding
election campaign began
The officer, because the real began long ago to be accurate on the day following the last election. I was a little skeptical because the issue of the election campaign, the trap contains, for not being able to say something yesterday and tomorrow another, and the last day of rest. It is not the case everywhere. I look at the legislation, particularly simplicity, to avoid further expense to try to do less damage to complaints without rhyme or reason that only poison and have nothing to do with politics, for example if you can not do or ask openings vote one day every other.
does not make sense if it calls for the vote yesterday to ask today is reportable and legal. If justice is already collapsed, adding fuel to avoid superfluous fire, avoid wastage of resources. Ask for a vote with videos and posters, is the same order it from the supposedly free press and independent owners, or from the DTT. Ask the vote does not need the phrase "vote for so and so 'to be bold and direct, any gathering crush the opponent / enemy, praising the' good 'to which we must vote. And this is daily, before, during and after the campaign 15 days.
Or order it from internet, many pages, which are long overdue. The 'curious' is that after a few pages denounce the parties do otherwise. Just happens that some individuals are and other parties are, conclusion, or support parties make individual pages from the publication and ask for a vote.
visits to buildings, prohibited by electoral boards are the same electorally speaking visits to the banks of the Manzanares, which are open, or similar to the vision of the buildings, neighborhoods, hospitals, etc. etc. an entire term, are just a day that another election. Does anybody believe in the magic of the 15 days prior to pick up more votes.
On reflection if removed, for example, does not seem to harm or benefit anyone in particular, only serves to put a ditch on that trip. Our electoral laws
need a good review, which is bleeding point on behalf of the 2 major parties and the under-representation of UI and UPyD, driven by greater voting weight in empty provinces to the detriment of the predominantly populated. As I explained in another post, is not entirely true that the law favors the nationalists, but harms the general minority. Certainly in the UK wanted to fix something, take on two classic representation and increase the umpire and the citizens have voted against it.
really this aspect of the law was a ploy that was plucked from UCD to get majorities, because your criteria then thought that in the less populated interior provinces would find the necessary support to give them electoral victory, provided they had more weight than the other provinces. People thought they would find less quarrelsome, less red, less democratic, less democratic contaminated air, but Franco and sediment biggest fears.
streets signs full of repeated double those that put contractors on every lamppost. Seriously someone thinks that score increases. I think not. The rallies are a different story, do not add more votes than insurance, but they serve to mobilize members and supporters, to increase the identity sign and give to each stirring capacity in their daily lives.
The TVs, newspapers, internet, etc. etc. all influence, no doubt, but I think it made much impact in the four previous years to the global identification, ideological, or even local. Come on, that the crisis will sweep the remaining issues will have greater strength than it did your mayor.
In any case, I seem to see less season than usual, fewer cars and flags, fewer people in the streets shouting, less deployment of militants.
The derechona their own business, electoral terrorism stops. Thus avoid having to say something about the crisis, who will then win or lose but also open a door wearing clear left whole.
The officer, because the real began long ago to be accurate on the day following the last election. I was a little skeptical because the issue of the election campaign, the trap contains, for not being able to say something yesterday and tomorrow another, and the last day of rest. It is not the case everywhere. I look at the legislation, particularly simplicity, to avoid further expense to try to do less damage to complaints without rhyme or reason that only poison and have nothing to do with politics, for example if you can not do or ask openings vote one day every other.
does not make sense if it calls for the vote yesterday to ask today is reportable and legal. If justice is already collapsed, adding fuel to avoid superfluous fire, avoid wastage of resources. Ask for a vote with videos and posters, is the same order it from the supposedly free press and independent owners, or from the DTT. Ask the vote does not need the phrase "vote for so and so 'to be bold and direct, any gathering crush the opponent / enemy, praising the' good 'to which we must vote. And this is daily, before, during and after the campaign 15 days.
Or order it from internet, many pages, which are long overdue. The 'curious' is that after a few pages denounce the parties do otherwise. Just happens that some individuals are and other parties are, conclusion, or support parties make individual pages from the publication and ask for a vote.
visits to buildings, prohibited by electoral boards are the same electorally speaking visits to the banks of the Manzanares, which are open, or similar to the vision of the buildings, neighborhoods, hospitals, etc. etc. an entire term, are just a day that another election. Does anybody believe in the magic of the 15 days prior to pick up more votes.
On reflection if removed, for example, does not seem to harm or benefit anyone in particular, only serves to put a ditch on that trip. Our electoral laws
need a good review, which is bleeding point on behalf of the 2 major parties and the under-representation of UI and UPyD, driven by greater voting weight in empty provinces to the detriment of the predominantly populated. As I explained in another post, is not entirely true that the law favors the nationalists, but harms the general minority. Certainly in the UK wanted to fix something, take on two classic representation and increase the umpire and the citizens have voted against it.
really this aspect of the law was a ploy that was plucked from UCD to get majorities, because your criteria then thought that in the less populated interior provinces would find the necessary support to give them electoral victory, provided they had more weight than the other provinces. People thought they would find less quarrelsome, less red, less democratic, less democratic contaminated air, but Franco and sediment biggest fears.
streets signs full of repeated double those that put contractors on every lamppost. Seriously someone thinks that score increases. I think not. The rallies are a different story, do not add more votes than insurance, but they serve to mobilize members and supporters, to increase the identity sign and give to each stirring capacity in their daily lives.
The TVs, newspapers, internet, etc. etc. all influence, no doubt, but I think it made much impact in the four previous years to the global identification, ideological, or even local. Come on, that the crisis will sweep the remaining issues will have greater strength than it did your mayor.
In any case, I seem to see less season than usual, fewer cars and flags, fewer people in the streets shouting, less deployment of militants.
The derechona their own business, electoral terrorism stops. Thus avoid having to say something about the crisis, who will then win or lose but also open a door wearing clear left whole.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Dressing On C Section
The Battle of Defense
'The Battle of communication' . The new work is presented and links on the side, along with other contributions to the debate about 'the Left', which also are on the side.
I remind you that the 'Arian six', may also find a good batch of links to directions on the 'climate change', or Europe and EU
And of course a few pictures, in addition to daily public links to my series of photographs, a few hundreds (or thousands) on labor workers, and other machines.

'The Battle of communication' . The new work is presented and links on the side, along with other contributions to the debate about 'the Left', which also are on the side.
I remind you that the 'Arian six', may also find a good batch of links to directions on the 'climate change', or Europe and EU
And of course a few pictures, in addition to daily public links to my series of photographs, a few hundreds (or thousands) on labor workers, and other machines.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
In A Corner Of A Playground There Lives A Monster
communication democratic Spain 2
Spain vs republican democratic Spain:
Some indicators can relate that Spain and this. In all cases, age of admission to employment, illiteracy, mortality rates, life expectancy, the data reflect human relationships with repression, exploitation and the material conditions of life, reflecting degrees of freedom, equality, solidarity and justice. In these data are now locked and struggles to change them, not just numbers.
Age at work: In 'Survey Sociodemographic '1991, published by the INE drew such juicy details as these:
men who began work before age 16: 74% for those born in the twenties, who were young people working in the Republic. For only 24% of those born in the sixties, young people working in the post-Franco.
Women who began work before age 16: 57% for those born in the twenties, by 20% for those born in the sixties.
I guess you have to understand that these children / young people who start work are not going to school.
Illiteracy has to do with the possibility education, culture and progress, but also more freedom and equality between sexes and classes.
Republicans in the years around a third of the population were still illiterate, with women more weight than men. Since the 85 are below 6%, which obviously has to do primarily with the elderly population that praised both the old statistics.
mortality rates, have to do with health and living and working conditions. If the republican years was above 16 per thousand, being reduced to half in the democratic years.
infant mortality rates. pass a 118 per thousand in the Republican period to 8 per thousand in the late sixties. A great leap forward in childbirth and early child care, which deals with a different social model, in addition to a medical achievements.
Life expectancy at birth, influence health, to education, with material and cultural conditions of life. In this case, has nearly doubled since the twenties.
Spain vs republican democratic Spain:
Some indicators can relate that Spain and this. In all cases, age of admission to employment, illiteracy, mortality rates, life expectancy, the data reflect human relationships with repression, exploitation and the material conditions of life, reflecting degrees of freedom, equality, solidarity and justice. In these data are now locked and struggles to change them, not just numbers.

Age at work: In 'Survey Sociodemographic '1991, published by the INE drew such juicy details as these:
men who began work before age 16: 74% for those born in the twenties, who were young people working in the Republic. For only 24% of those born in the sixties, young people working in the post-Franco.
Women who began work before age 16: 57% for those born in the twenties, by 20% for those born in the sixties.
I guess you have to understand that these children / young people who start work are not going to school.

Illiteracy has to do with the possibility education, culture and progress, but also more freedom and equality between sexes and classes.
Republicans in the years around a third of the population were still illiterate, with women more weight than men. Since the 85 are below 6%, which obviously has to do primarily with the elderly population that praised both the old statistics.

mortality rates, have to do with health and living and working conditions. If the republican years was above 16 per thousand, being reduced to half in the democratic years.

infant mortality rates. pass a 118 per thousand in the Republican period to 8 per thousand in the late sixties. A great leap forward in childbirth and early child care, which deals with a different social model, in addition to a medical achievements.

Life expectancy at birth, influence health, to education, with material and cultural conditions of life. In this case, has nearly doubled since the twenties.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Sample Of Opening Prayer In A Debut
defense of democratic Spain
The battle of the communication. The message must arrive
bad enough times that can send back, the amount and depth to undertake the tasks of the reforms carried out in Spain, is very large, will shape the future of this country for 20 years and everything is quite asleep. Revolts, riots and revolutions, I think that little altered, especially if we can not collectively agree on what we want, as much as possible to get today, to defend today. The series of works I have collected on the left have in their starting point the situation quite likely the overwhelming victory of the PP, the right-governed and directed by derechona not entangled in ideological debates, try to change a vast EXPECTRA of society we know today. We seem to have little time to identify what we want, you need to join forces sufficient if we influence our reality.
Although everything seems to be clear for much of the public, to leftist sectors, it is very confusing to identify those who are friends and potential allies, political ideas and practices that have made significant social progress in the vast majority of the English population and what times have been the same. To the extent that deny the progress, even believe it would have been possible to match them have been obtained by Franco, the Aznar and company, neo-liberals, if they had ruled since then is condensed on the ideas of: Va, are same!, the economy is the same, the powers are the usual 'and similar jingles.
These people are a strange mixture of defending what they take away when we lose, but when we do not value it, and also set against utopias or ideal that can not demonstrate that they succeeded somewhere sometime.
always surprised me the uncompromising defense of the Second English Republic by the liberals, mature or young, and the rejection of English democracy, when comparatively speaking, it has achieved greater levels of freedom, more time, more people and social sectors with higher educational achievements, health and care the disadvantaged, elderly, sick, children, minorities, with higher doses of justice, solidarity and equality, than those obtained in those years or at other times.
I'm a big supporter of the Second Republic, whose teachings and experiences have formed a large part of my baggage man, struggles to get its people to overcome poverty and repression in those subhuman living conditions for large sections of population. I believe that some ideas could then be considered the most advanced of the time and it certainly was at stake a new model of life and social organization. But that experience was made then, for a few years with wonderful results for those huge arrears, but well behind those achieved today for the vast majority of the population.
In any case should serve to defend this experience and this, not to choose one, both are better alternatives to those struggles and problems bearing on this current, why historical adventure that is loved unconditionally and it has many unconvinced lovers and so many detractors? I would not dare to accept that political power had greater autonomy so that today regarding the powers, economic, religious and military, or to be more progressive than the current. Massacred defeats the very best of the working class and peasant intellectuals, researchers, university professors, teachers, entrepreneurs, etc. etc. people wake up, the more able are often the most committed, many illustrated, good people with common sense and solidarity and desire for improvement, it certainly contributes to the legend, love these people and defend the Second Republic.
The epic, revolutionary dreams, how to achieve progress, the ethical and aesthetic of those experiences have made a wonderful film, but from time to time to honor those passionate individuals must also put the rationale for not cover and deny the losses that not only were the civil war and post-Franco, enormous need to talk about repression directed by the Republican government against the forces of workers and peasants, in Casas Viejas, 1933, in Asturias 1934, estates and lots of people that filled streets and fields of dead and Republican political prisoners in prisons with anarchists and socialists (there were 30,000 thousand prisoners in February 36).
Normally in the collective imagination of many leftist forget these issues, even forget who the republican governments. From 1931 to 33 the bourgeois government, enlightened, democratic, claimed the land reform, the goal was to resettle peasants 70.00 annually. In 2 years only land was 12,260. But besides the 34 to 36 ruled the financial oligarchy and landlord, breaking reforms, agricultural, military, educational, to the Popular Front electoral victory in February.
The battle of the communication. The message must arrive
bad enough times that can send back, the amount and depth to undertake the tasks of the reforms carried out in Spain, is very large, will shape the future of this country for 20 years and everything is quite asleep. Revolts, riots and revolutions, I think that little altered, especially if we can not collectively agree on what we want, as much as possible to get today, to defend today. The series of works I have collected on the left have in their starting point the situation quite likely the overwhelming victory of the PP, the right-governed and directed by derechona not entangled in ideological debates, try to change a vast EXPECTRA of society we know today. We seem to have little time to identify what we want, you need to join forces sufficient if we influence our reality.
Although everything seems to be clear for much of the public, to leftist sectors, it is very confusing to identify those who are friends and potential allies, political ideas and practices that have made significant social progress in the vast majority of the English population and what times have been the same. To the extent that deny the progress, even believe it would have been possible to match them have been obtained by Franco, the Aznar and company, neo-liberals, if they had ruled since then is condensed on the ideas of: Va, are same!, the economy is the same, the powers are the usual 'and similar jingles.
These people are a strange mixture of defending what they take away when we lose, but when we do not value it, and also set against utopias or ideal that can not demonstrate that they succeeded somewhere sometime.
always surprised me the uncompromising defense of the Second English Republic by the liberals, mature or young, and the rejection of English democracy, when comparatively speaking, it has achieved greater levels of freedom, more time, more people and social sectors with higher educational achievements, health and care the disadvantaged, elderly, sick, children, minorities, with higher doses of justice, solidarity and equality, than those obtained in those years or at other times.
I'm a big supporter of the Second Republic, whose teachings and experiences have formed a large part of my baggage man, struggles to get its people to overcome poverty and repression in those subhuman living conditions for large sections of population. I believe that some ideas could then be considered the most advanced of the time and it certainly was at stake a new model of life and social organization. But that experience was made then, for a few years with wonderful results for those huge arrears, but well behind those achieved today for the vast majority of the population.
In any case should serve to defend this experience and this, not to choose one, both are better alternatives to those struggles and problems bearing on this current, why historical adventure that is loved unconditionally and it has many unconvinced lovers and so many detractors? I would not dare to accept that political power had greater autonomy so that today regarding the powers, economic, religious and military, or to be more progressive than the current. Massacred defeats the very best of the working class and peasant intellectuals, researchers, university professors, teachers, entrepreneurs, etc. etc. people wake up, the more able are often the most committed, many illustrated, good people with common sense and solidarity and desire for improvement, it certainly contributes to the legend, love these people and defend the Second Republic.
The epic, revolutionary dreams, how to achieve progress, the ethical and aesthetic of those experiences have made a wonderful film, but from time to time to honor those passionate individuals must also put the rationale for not cover and deny the losses that not only were the civil war and post-Franco, enormous need to talk about repression directed by the Republican government against the forces of workers and peasants, in Casas Viejas, 1933, in Asturias 1934, estates and lots of people that filled streets and fields of dead and Republican political prisoners in prisons with anarchists and socialists (there were 30,000 thousand prisoners in February 36).
Normally in the collective imagination of many leftist forget these issues, even forget who the republican governments. From 1931 to 33 the bourgeois government, enlightened, democratic, claimed the land reform, the goal was to resettle peasants 70.00 annually. In 2 years only land was 12,260. But besides the 34 to 36 ruled the financial oligarchy and landlord, breaking reforms, agricultural, military, educational, to the Popular Front electoral victory in February.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What Is The Best Gift To Give In The Debut?
The world does not end. But rapidly changing, 8 Evolution
the orbit of the idea contained in the expression "We are 30 years under the neoliberal hegemony ' already said earlier. Now'll bring data intended to show how over the last 30 years in Spain do not seem to have won these ideas. No doubt there were and there but the figures show that the battle between these ideas and others has resulted in a result that ideas Social Democrats. We
Factors that have contributed to it, now go to another level, because the first thing is to show some results extracted from the overall presentation of the work on the public capital (and therefore private)''Historical Series Public Capital in Spain 1900-2005'', published by the BBVA Foundation in collaboration with the IVIE show that the importance of public sector increased dramatically in the democratic stage, which is contradictory to the neo-liberal ideas, an important aspect of which is the weight reduction the public and give the ultimate power to the private sector

The conclusion from the above data, is that in Spain was installed just the welfare state in these years under 30s neoliberal hegemony. " The results, no data already known in practice in our way of life for many millions of English, but for some reason have not been accepted by left-wing sectors. Even some others who accept this reality do not feel involved in it as its protagonists.
Stomach Flu In Phoenix Az
Ethnic inequality in Latin America
With respect to inequalities associated with race and ethnicity, the picture also poses significant challenges. In LAC there are over 50 million and 120 million indigenous descent, who represent about 33% of the population of the region. By analyzing the progress of the population eurodescendiente (PED), on the one hand, and indigenous and African descent (PIAD), on the other hand, there were still gaps in terms of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ( Busso, Cicowiez and Gasparini, 2005 ).[*] For example, poverty levels are larger in the pious in the PED, with the exception of Costa Rica and Haiti (see Chart 2.5). Several factors explain this difference. One has to do with the benefits each group receives formal instruction. On average, developing countries achieved higher returns on education than PIAD, so it has greater incentives to continue their studies. Taken from UNDP (2010). Regional Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean 2010 , pp. 32 and 36.
[*] Busso, M., M. Cicowiez and L. Gasparini, 2005. Ethnicity and the Millennium Development Goals . Bogotá: ECLAC, IDB, UNDP and World Bank.
With respect to inequalities associated with race and ethnicity, the picture also poses significant challenges. In LAC there are over 50 million and 120 million indigenous descent, who represent about 33% of the population of the region. By analyzing the progress of the population eurodescendiente (PED), on the one hand, and indigenous and African descent (PIAD), on the other hand, there were still gaps in terms of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ( Busso, Cicowiez and Gasparini, 2005 ).[*] For example, poverty levels are larger in the pious in the PED, with the exception of Costa Rica and Haiti (see Chart 2.5). Several factors explain this difference. One has to do with the benefits each group receives formal instruction. On average, developing countries achieved higher returns on education than PIAD, so it has greater incentives to continue their studies. Taken from UNDP (2010). Regional Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean 2010 , pp. 32 and 36.
[*] Busso, M., M. Cicowiez and L. Gasparini, 2005. Ethnicity and the Millennium Development Goals . Bogotá: ECLAC, IDB, UNDP and World Bank.
Florida Driving License
Exceptional Group: GNA 32
Good night dear Omar and Emilio:
We got together 32 years, wanting to continue studying to fill gaps and reflect on the meaning of being an architect and what we should do to get it right.
Then with income of you, what started as a private was made public, cuestionante, critical pedagogy, with a range that even today I marvel at the hard-working, communication, invention, showing professionalism in the evolution and transformation of the group, thanks to its tenacious and systematic work is a landmark in the history of the Dominican architecture.
Thank you for always reminding us that we are first part of this project and we live in an age in which we could change professional approach and make a New Architecture best for everyone.
Sincerely, Angelita
I am pleased and happy to share with you via e-mail Angelita Burgos Architect, part of this wonderful group of women recently graduated from the School of Architecture UASD who dared to question his training and had the courage to form a study group on architecture that eventually became the Nuevarquitectura Group, sent to Emilio Brea and myself.
This exceptional group formed by Angelita Burgos, Edda Grullon, Sheila Lee, Karam and Nouris Fatima Bello, shall constitute, and in fact constitutes an example for young students of architecture and young architects today, so enmeshed in "rendering" and the "fashion architecture" (to speak the language you want to use and demonstrate in their designs) but so indifferent to the critical processes and skills and especially the social and ideological processes.
In a world where even the self-proclaimed "intellectual breakthrough" to boast of Utopias and exhibit a "pragmatism" irresponsible that has produced only more poverty and inequality, identify real and positive models that deny the claim concerned.
Thanks you, Angelita and all of you, Edda, Fatima, Sheila, Nouris, to realize a memorable project!
Keep on dreaming and riding on the Utopias!
Angelita Burgos, Emilio Brea. Nouris Bello, Omar Rancier.
back, Manuel Pujols, Sheila Lopez and Dr. Camilo
We got together 32 years, wanting to continue studying to fill gaps and reflect on the meaning of being an architect and what we should do to get it right.
Then with income of you, what started as a private was made public, cuestionante, critical pedagogy, with a range that even today I marvel at the hard-working, communication, invention, showing professionalism in the evolution and transformation of the group, thanks to its tenacious and systematic work is a landmark in the history of the Dominican architecture.
Thank you for always reminding us that we are first part of this project and we live in an age in which we could change professional approach and make a New Architecture best for everyone.
Sincerely, Angelita
Cover of "100 sheets of Architecture" published in 1984
Arquivox Magazine / GNA, Year I No. 1, June / August 1984
advertisement of the event "Modern Architecture '83 in the Dominican Republic.
Lecture and exhibition of unrealized projects." The sketch is of Plácido Piña.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Cost For Filling A Cavity
liquidates U.S. 'Geronimo'. Now what
The news of the operation has been spread all over the world, will soon be a movie and TV series. In the meantime I have some comments.
1) have taken a long time to achieve a goal as defined for many years with so many material resources available to U.S. and so few in the other camp. I suppose it should consider the importance of human resources over the materials in these conflicts.
2) The fight against terrorism seems to be more efficient if it lies mainly in human resources, intelligence, spies, collaborators, informants, rather than armies, more analysts to arms, soft power generating better collaboration generates hard rejection and multiple courses of action in a variety of scenarios.
3) A leader is gone, the impact this has on the terrorism of Al Qaeda, seems clear, is a severe blow to the structural hierarchy, which is added to the losses of recent years who have suffered in Afghanistan pilotless bombardment.
4) But in other jihadi terrorism is to see the impact, because their operation does not follow the model of hierarchical structures, typical of Al Qaeda in the early days following the network organization. Even Al Qaeda escalated into something different an organization, closer to a brand, an icon, an idea, taking different Islamist cells.
5) If the experts on network organizations, such as Manuel Castells, and terrorism experts are right, and it seems they have it, some thought that Jihadists will be little affected by this death, as network organization of al-Qaeda cells and orders, and their stated objectives does not depend on a central boss.
6) Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, did not need to give precise orders to select or execute every Islamic attack anywhere in the world. Please stop bothering with such ignorance and evil speaking, at this point in the film still has not heard Ms. Aguirre and the praetorian guard of the PP, the 11-M attack would not have required it to be described, prepared or claimed by bin Laden, that cells was caused by Islamists, not ETA.
7) That was an ideological leader, as well as political and organizational capacity that was towed to the tag religious-political fundamentalism against the West, against non-fundamentalist Muslim regimes and against the occupiers of Al-Andalus (the English) seems true, but the ideas can live without leaders, in addition to the ignorance we have of the existence other local or global leaders, therefore we do not know if it will remain a long time its empty, and this should be distinguished from his organization Al Qaeda in which can be filled with deputies and influence in the jihadist tag, but inaccurate.
8) Al Qaeda itself does not seem to have much presence and influence in the recent riots in the Arab world in North Africa and the Middle East, whose events can strongly influence by playing the terrorism and give it to people's movements.
9) The importance of the mission of the Marines basically becomes image, which most likely affect one side than the other. For him, show his people that they have finally caught the one who dared to threaten the U.S., anyone who tries to harm us will fall ... and for the other side, namely whether it soar once dead to the altar, on top if your body was not appears, you will fly among all Islamist fighters to guide you to paradise, and so on.
10) Once again many things revolve around the Eurasian border, Pakistan and its intelligence services. Country's atomic bomb, bordering Afghanistan and good relations with Taliban and fundamentalists of all kinds, not in vain in its territory are settled Islamist ideological major universities.
11) The Today's world is complicated, sometimes envy those individuals are so simple, as the ultras, who are quick solutions to everything, and above the personalized to an individual who moved everything arranged. Envy it not because there are no solutions or explanations.
12) Within the high complexity of the Western world is our weakness. Our lifestyle depends on things we do not control excessive, the energy, or electronics, to power almost everything. Formerly a music box did not need batteries or a car needs oil or an infinite path superpuentes and tunnels required, or communications of millions of people depended on a tower, or water, aircraft super, super ships, nuclear and so many things ...
13) Not that this world is more dangerous than the Middle Ages, in which you were based in two less than nothing, just pretend to remember that a few fundamentalists, not Big Media or organization can do much damage in these modern societies. It is not easy to eliminate the risks of modern life. Except for derechona.
The news of the operation has been spread all over the world, will soon be a movie and TV series. In the meantime I have some comments.
1) have taken a long time to achieve a goal as defined for many years with so many material resources available to U.S. and so few in the other camp. I suppose it should consider the importance of human resources over the materials in these conflicts.
2) The fight against terrorism seems to be more efficient if it lies mainly in human resources, intelligence, spies, collaborators, informants, rather than armies, more analysts to arms, soft power generating better collaboration generates hard rejection and multiple courses of action in a variety of scenarios.
3) A leader is gone, the impact this has on the terrorism of Al Qaeda, seems clear, is a severe blow to the structural hierarchy, which is added to the losses of recent years who have suffered in Afghanistan pilotless bombardment.
4) But in other jihadi terrorism is to see the impact, because their operation does not follow the model of hierarchical structures, typical of Al Qaeda in the early days following the network organization. Even Al Qaeda escalated into something different an organization, closer to a brand, an icon, an idea, taking different Islamist cells.
5) If the experts on network organizations, such as Manuel Castells, and terrorism experts are right, and it seems they have it, some thought that Jihadists will be little affected by this death, as network organization of al-Qaeda cells and orders, and their stated objectives does not depend on a central boss.
6) Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, did not need to give precise orders to select or execute every Islamic attack anywhere in the world. Please stop bothering with such ignorance and evil speaking, at this point in the film still has not heard Ms. Aguirre and the praetorian guard of the PP, the 11-M attack would not have required it to be described, prepared or claimed by bin Laden, that cells was caused by Islamists, not ETA.
7) That was an ideological leader, as well as political and organizational capacity that was towed to the tag religious-political fundamentalism against the West, against non-fundamentalist Muslim regimes and against the occupiers of Al-Andalus (the English) seems true, but the ideas can live without leaders, in addition to the ignorance we have of the existence other local or global leaders, therefore we do not know if it will remain a long time its empty, and this should be distinguished from his organization Al Qaeda in which can be filled with deputies and influence in the jihadist tag, but inaccurate.
8) Al Qaeda itself does not seem to have much presence and influence in the recent riots in the Arab world in North Africa and the Middle East, whose events can strongly influence by playing the terrorism and give it to people's movements.
9) The importance of the mission of the Marines basically becomes image, which most likely affect one side than the other. For him, show his people that they have finally caught the one who dared to threaten the U.S., anyone who tries to harm us will fall ... and for the other side, namely whether it soar once dead to the altar, on top if your body was not appears, you will fly among all Islamist fighters to guide you to paradise, and so on.
10) Once again many things revolve around the Eurasian border, Pakistan and its intelligence services. Country's atomic bomb, bordering Afghanistan and good relations with Taliban and fundamentalists of all kinds, not in vain in its territory are settled Islamist ideological major universities.
11) The Today's world is complicated, sometimes envy those individuals are so simple, as the ultras, who are quick solutions to everything, and above the personalized to an individual who moved everything arranged. Envy it not because there are no solutions or explanations.
12) Within the high complexity of the Western world is our weakness. Our lifestyle depends on things we do not control excessive, the energy, or electronics, to power almost everything. Formerly a music box did not need batteries or a car needs oil or an infinite path superpuentes and tunnels required, or communications of millions of people depended on a tower, or water, aircraft super, super ships, nuclear and so many things ...
13) Not that this world is more dangerous than the Middle Ages, in which you were based in two less than nothing, just pretend to remember that a few fundamentalists, not Big Media or organization can do much damage in these modern societies. It is not easy to eliminate the risks of modern life. Except for derechona.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Homeopathictrench Foot
32 years ago ...
original Logo New Architecture Group (later Nuevarquitectura)
Today marks 32 years
32 years ago a group of architects recently graduated from the School of Architecture UASD dared to form a group ...
tribute to his courage.
present a letter of Emilio Brea collecting the sentiments of those who partake of this beautiful experience. OR

original Logo New Architecture Group (later Nuevarquitectura)
Today marks 32 years
Fatima, Angelita, Sheila, and Edda Nouris reconvened,
formed this time to leave New Architecture Group.
Up, Angelita Burgos, Virginia Edda Grullon, Nouris Bello and Sheila Lee.
Media: Manuel Pujols, Gustavo Luis Moré
Below: Omar Rancier, Emilio Brea.
were in the classrooms of the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo.
created a "cycle of studies" that fed back to other income
with Raffi, of Manuel, the Omar.
Omar 30 years ago invited me to join the group.
and I owe many thanks for that call, the group, all mainly ...
The GNA (for short) is devoted to the study of architecture.
reason intellectual dissatisfaction greatly lead this initiative ed historically as one of the bright spots of cultural activity at the end of last century. The history of the GNA was intense in the first 16 years, mainly from 1981-82 when it appeared p Ublic unabashedly and became an essential reference point for cultural activities around the Dominican architecture and the world. I owe, in a huge hand, complaining to my training and my harvest GNA nice friendly enemies and opponents.
The rest I owe to two professors at the UASD, where I graduated: Don Miguel Ángel Hernández Rivera (1916-1994) and Pauline Blanchard Teódulo. To whom those closest to him say ...
Prisco For lack of internal resistance, my initiatives in the GNA were treated and I am proud to have led tenaciously to establish two special dates related to our profession, the Day of the Dominicana Architecture ( 1988) on November 3 (both thanks to the efforts of Arqto. Rafael Tomas Hernandez Ramos), and the Dominican Town Planning Day (1992) August 4 (the two decrees of the late Joaquin Balaguer). Before
had been published separately, both Omar and I, receiving the support of Jose Rafael Sosa (El nacionald Now in those days), Don Manuel Rueda, Soledad Alvarez (Island Open the newspaper today) and where Omar Listin Diario broke the silence with his memorable legacy critical work on 4 paradigmatic works ... and later in the Nuevo Diario, aided initially by Nelson Mars.
For another of those bad habits that we were identifying, in complicity with Omar Rancier, support the creation of the Biennial Architecture Santo Domingo (1986), and the Meetings of Planning and Architecture in the West Indies (1989), support the foundation of the Society of Architects RD (1994, Silvestre and Risoris idea Bisonó Kitty) got in the seat assignment for the GNA and the old Pavilion SARD Venezuela (1995) before kindness of the distinguished former Ambassador María Clemencia López Jiménez and personal efforts of the late Lady Elinor Sosa Antonetti, wife of my friend Emilio José Joa, more famous as a singer but also an architect, and we resumed the Biennials (suspended six years since 2000 -) in 2006, thanks to the efforts of the newly-Secretary of Culture of that time (fifth in five years), José Enrique Delmonte Arqto I dreamed. Then what followed is a mixture of flavors and bitterness. The institutionalization of biennials from the Museum of Modern Art, has been all work since 2006. There seems to be over. Wear personal, intimate, as if tired ... It has been almost a lifetime and others are the needs and priorities (economic, health, social, political, professional ... So I dedicate these lyrics result delineations always, the founders of GNA, Nouris Bello, Sheila Lee, Angela Burgos, Fatima Karam and Edda Grullon, and later, and equal justice, Omar Rancier who invited me to participate in it in 1981 ... allowing me to grow within the community. Thanks to everyone who made well have been. Were many, from the earliest times when we sponsored a commemorative posters Industrial Tavares (with the help of Salvador Alba and Lyn Tavares) dedicated to the pioneers and masters of architecture and even one by Le Corbusier in his centenary. And of course, to the memory of the very efficient manager Miriam Rios Mograf chief SA, (deceased in 1991) and print all the work of hundreds of things we did in those years.
Emilio Brea. May 3, 2011
First Seminar of Architecture and Urban
Emilio Brea. May 3, 2011
Miguel Angel Roca, Silvia Arango and Ricardo Legorreta in Architecture Biennale of Santo Domingo
Susana Torre
First Seminar of Architecture and Urban
Act assignment by the Embassy of Venezuela, Venezuela's Pavilion, 1955 laFeria Nuevarquitectura Group and the Society of Architects
Top left to Jean Nouvel in Martinique, to the right with Beatriz del Cueto, Jorge Rigau and Andrew Mignucci of Puerto Rico. Down at the reunion of Architecture Biennial in Quito
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