Thursday, March 24, 2011

Levis Outlet Hong Kong 2010

ILO Convention 169 (Part IV)

Irmalicia by Velásquez
elPeriódico (21 Mar 11)

The 2-page letter, which precedes the proposed regulation of Convention 169 and signing the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mario Roberto Illescas Aguirre, said that President Alvaro Colom "decide in May, two thousand ten, forming a Presidential Commission for the preparation of a regulation of Indigenous Peoples Consultation. "And in footnote # 4, explains that the Commission" is comprised of: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry Specific Presidency, Presidential Commission Coordinating Executive Policy in the Field of Human Rights COPREDEH Commission of Indigenous Peoples of the Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Permanent Dialogue. "

The point is that never was made public the existence of the Presidential Commission, or its members. Neither knew the agenda, or the methodology to construct the proposed regulation. The letter says that a member of the Commission of Indigenous Peoples of the presidency but who are indigenous men and women that make up that committee? Who appointed them? Are private advisers of the President? Or representatives of State bodies have a responsibility to address the implementation of indigenous rights as FODIGUA, ALMG CODISRA, ODIRSA, Demi, DIGEBI, among others? Or are they small group of representatives of indigenous organizations related to the President?

The problem is not there this Commission, a Government has the right to establish such committees as it deems necessary, the problem is what is sought to regulate, that is the right query to get the consent of indigenous communities for the installation of mega-projects on their land, therefore, not appropriate for use as a front for a commission of indigenous related because are critical, or present different national settings against the approval or disapproval of such an instrument, given the history of structural issues that pulls the country.

The question is also for the indigenous people who lend themselves to this maneuver, because they play the role of indigenous people who occupy recyclable because placed or manage to place, but do not represent, nor influence in the communities. Are indigenous perverse puppets of the system, showing how fragile ethnic loyalty when it comes to defending the interests of rural communities.


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