Does being forced to be poor Indian? Propose
by Roberto Gutierrez
elPeriódico (24 Tues 11)
has final come to believe as well that being Indian is being poor, thereby condemning the ethnic, as if to blame culture poverty. This we hear and read in reports varied, from those developed by international agencies, through newspaper articles and comments "loose." It is commonly said that poverty is rural and indigenous face. The message is usually done think that forces being indigenous poverty.
Lo rural poverty it is causal, as you can easily check to see that the Indians who live in the departmental capital or not everyone is poor, nor those from the United States send remittances to their local family. See, for example, that in the Capital there are only 16 percent of the poor, and this percent is whites and Indians alike. And among non-urban poor, indigenous and Ladino find, but again ethnicity is what defines the level of family income. We can say the city of Quetzaltenango and other towns. It is very revealing in this respect as Almolonga cases or Zunil, whose families have achieved significant levels of income, so much so that virtually no one of these municipalities have had to migrate in search of opportunities outside their community. Moreover, there are municipalities "very Ladino" and also very poor, such as the east, and even some of the West.
As we know, most indigenous people live in rural areas, and it is proven that it is synonymous with the rural poverty and neglect. Our country is still very ruralized, and the reality in most of the rest of the world indicates that urbanization has been instrumental in facilitating wealth creation and opportunities. In rural areas in Guatemala more than 20 000 human settlements, including landscapes, villages and hamlets, and this makes it extremely difficult in terms of logistics and supply resources to those settlements with basic services that help to get out of poverty for families, including education, health, training, infrastructure and above all, productive investments that create jobs or self-employment facilitators. The output in other countries have found this is to strengthen intermediate cities intricacies to "absorb" a humane manner and with insertion opportunities for inhabitants of rural areas. In Guatemala has not promoted the development of intermediate cities, which should be through a management plan of the national territory, the development of communications infrastructure, and promotion of productive investments.
Returning to the subject matter, to accept that indigenous is equivalent to poor, devalued ethnic and indigenous culture, taking it as the cause of poverty, and is quite the opposite, because the Indian is hardworking, intelligent and brave, and Guatemala has with thousands of indigenous resources and education level. Quetzaltenango is again an example, where today most college graduates practicing in virtually all careers are persons belonging to indigenous ethnic Quiche.
be worth doing a study on the poverty situation of indigenous people living in the capital city and in the departmental capitals to better clarify the matter discussed in this article.
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