Today November 3, 2010, when it celebrates the 110th anniversary of William Gonzalez Sanchez, opens to public 7:00 pm, the Tenth International Architecture Biennale in Santo Domingo will focus on three pillars of our contemporary architecture: Batista Cuqui Eduardo Selman and Oscar Imbert, and international participation Abruña Fernando and Carlos Betancourt of Puerto Rico, Sonia Chao, Cuban in Miami, USA, Arnaldo Vaca, Argentina, Daniel Elie, Haitian, Manuel Blanco, English and Dominican Rafael Richard Alvarez and Moretta.take to publish (without permission) that Emily sent a beautiful letter that reminds us how landed the decree of the Day Dominican architecture (and not the Architect, as has been posted: sometimes) to publish a letter, also reminiscent of Pilar, our beloved companion to us so soon.This Penelope is on Pilar ...
On the eve 3 November 1988, we were approached by the architect Rafael Tomas Hernandez Ramos to give us good news, which provided us with a simple phrase: "the decree goes out tonight." We were in the midst of last minute organizing in then modern art gallery, giving almost final touches for the opening of the Second Architecture Biennial in Santo Domingo, which is dedicated to the memory of the late architect Manuel Valverde Adriano Podesta ( Manolito), died on June 23, naturally, when he was 42 years. It was decided that the Second Biennial would be devoted to the architect José Antonio Caro Alvarez (7-junio-1910/11-febrero-1978). Since the first it was dedicated to the architect Francisco Guillermo González Sánchez (3-noviembre-1900/13-noviembre-1970), biennials always tried to be dedicated to missing figures from the past to which the entity creating the same as was the Group Nuevarquitectura - GNA-not had the chance to honor deserved at the time (the GNA was founded on May 3, 1979). Since the First Biennial In 1986, following the demolition of the Hotel Jaragua, in 1985, we asked the executive decree of the commemorative date.
Biennials were created from a date Opening in permanent memorial to the birth of architect González Sánchez, and performed a program of activities for ten days to close on 13, date of death of renowned professional. Wednesday November 3 marks the Day of the Dominicana Architecture as every two years, opens the Architecture Biennale in Santo Domingo, which adds to their name the word International since 2006, when it became the sixth (recovery position not made since 2000), however it was and has been capped since the first, when we brought to the Catalan Manolo Núñez-Yanowsky (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 1942), through the intermediary of the now Center English Cultural (formerly Instituto Cultural Dominico Hispanic). A Núñez-Yanowsky it was at the airport the former architect Pilar Contin (*) as part of GNA (Omar Rancier, Eliana Hernandez and us) as we waited in the apartment where we lived, the Archbishop Portes opposite the Palace of Justice to design Lluberes Mario Abreu (29-diciembre-1906-/16-marzo-1967), whose fluted columns and attached to the wall patching-up, rising by three levels of the building, pulled a vivid expression of amazement by Núñez-Yanowsky he said aloud, "Ah, but what Bofill and passed this?" (I did not know our Bofill had been advanced to him for 50 years). Inside, in the discrete space of the apartment, we serve a banana farmers mangú addition of fresh cassava and mocana, both with fried onions varied (eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese and ham) and various fruit juices, to which Catalan survived, making him forget momentarily stylistic allusions solid architecture that visual welcomed New Town.
The Second Great Night Architecture, on the table from left to right, Kitty Nuñez, Omar Rancier, Pilar Contin, Joaquin Geronimo, Rosa Nuñez, Grullon and Lissette Selman Edda and other colleagues of GNA on the podium, Andresito Gómez
(*) Rosalía del Pilar Teresa Contín Ramirez was an enthusiastic contributor to the GNA and assumed leading roles, from a policy without complaints, just supportive and positivist. He had been an architect in the UNPHU, 21 April 1982. He died on April 16 last year (2009). He was barely 55 years (4-Sept-1954). He lived in the foothills Jarabacoa nearby with her husband, Ismael Pérez (Papin), where he made contact with the lavish nature of the mountains giving to the mundane, and clinging to a spirituality that came to the priesthood without commitments other than the service to others (for her these letters ...)
The photo was taken by the Cesarito Cruz on the steps of the then Gallery of Modern Art, 1988 IIBASD that historic and Emilio appear here Brea, Luis Flores, Placido Peña and Omar Rancier. The art of the three images are discovered is Ricky Mejia.
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