Well as they knew, today we have proof and I believe they studied.
Good, I hope you are more than good. Living life to the fullest, because life is one. Well Enough nonsense, let the concrete. Who does not ring a bell with "Machete" if MACHETE. He who says he does not sound, or never used a lie. Who will not have copied something on a test, careful maneuvering so that the teacher does not see you trying to keep your hands on the "desk" (On the bank). There are many forms are copied, and each of these forms depends on the "flying saucer" (Professor). Some of the most common are writing the bank, the chair, some paper and put it in the holster, etc.. (I'm not saying the best way to copy because they are trademarks, and are only sold with a license (?))
But there are those teachers that it is easier to copy. That until you can get your entire folder and put it on the table and are not going to notice, because it is so fun counting the days that remain to be completely stripped. (Who does not have those teachers who have a head alfajor cornstarch, for those who do not understand the meaning of "cornstarch Alfajor" I leave a picture below)
As can be seen in the image, no hair on top of the head, but on the sides if you have, then the bald is the top of gingerbread, and would part with hair .. Coconut.
Who has not spent that do not study anything, and the first thing they do is a machete, but of those that are right, they have everything in writing, to get on with life (for that moment you remember from your machetes?), and when it comes to proof, to have it comfortable accommodations, and you see the teacher looking at you intently as a Buo, or as an eagle that watches its prey. And if you drop the pen on the floor, when you bend over to lift it says, "Hands on the table." not to be a blast!, You need to come and ask you palpee and documents.
O but the times I have a lot of bad luck that you drop this blessed paper to the floor and just goes flying saucer, it picks up and tells you in the face: "Oh my god this is? You have a one!" Then there
owner starts insulting machete machete, has been dropped, or the teacher for having lifted. Ex: What role shit, right now is to fall. That role was very small shit! How I hate the old / a shit that I got a one! After a turd I have not seen what he said the machete, I found him this Hij ...
And to complete, ending after the time of that blessed / or old / or calling you to speak out and says, "It's not like you do to raise that one. So you fijate."
What leads you to answer: "It matters to me I take you Juviles, old bitch."
But obviously, does not. And then you say sorry and obviously pedis, the classical, the usual:
lanyards! Hold these teachers! Giving you another chance to copy you but good copy you!. You thought was going to wear? Giving you another chance to study and approve? You're crazy if you thought that. Before a test I did not study, but study my machetes.
Well folks I am saying goodbye, thanks to a friend and I have more ideas to keep writing even now at this moment I forget them.
But there are those teachers that it is easier to copy. That until you can get your entire folder and put it on the table and are not going to notice, because it is so fun counting the days that remain to be completely stripped. (Who does not have those teachers who have a head alfajor cornstarch, for those who do not understand the meaning of "cornstarch Alfajor" I leave a picture below)
Who has not spent that do not study anything, and the first thing they do is a machete, but of those that are right, they have everything in writing, to get on with life (for that moment you remember from your machetes?), and when it comes to proof, to have it comfortable accommodations, and you see the teacher looking at you intently as a Buo, or as an eagle that watches its prey. And if you drop the pen on the floor, when you bend over to lift it says, "Hands on the table." not to be a blast!, You need to come and ask you palpee and documents.
owner starts insulting machete machete, has been dropped, or the teacher for having lifted. Ex: What role shit, right now is to fall. That role was very small shit! How I hate the old / a shit that I got a one! After a turd I have not seen what he said the machete, I found him this Hij ...
And to complete, ending after the time of that blessed / or old / or calling you to speak out and says, "It's not like you do to raise that one. So you fijate."
What leads you to answer: "It matters to me I take you Juviles, old bitch."
But obviously, does not. And then you say sorry and obviously pedis, the classical, the usual:
- "For the first time I copied, I did not ever." (You had to be so chamuyero).
- "It was not mine, I was just lying there." (Just so happens it was the same letter as yours, boludoooo).
- "He used to study how short and forget to save me." (Yeah, yeah, I suck my thumb and I do soiling).
lanyards! Hold these teachers! Giving you another chance to copy you but good copy you!. You thought was going to wear? Giving you another chance to study and approve? You're crazy if you thought that. Before a test I did not study, but study my machetes.
Well folks I am saying goodbye, thanks to a friend and I have more ideas to keep writing even now at this moment I forget them.
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