Goodnight earthlings, I hope you are wonderful (?). As I am right now, besides being sleepy, I'm fine. Well, today's topic is based on your banner. Who would not step when you go walking down the street and see someone famous, then you do: Raise your hand or directly greets him by saying "Hi." To which that person to see says, "Bye!". An example:
X: (He walks and sees his grandfather) Hi Grandpa!
Y: Chau dear!
Why salute saying goodbye is the same that you first wipe your ass and then shit, so to speak, so ordinary. At least to me, this happens to me more often when greeting an older person.
O but the other case is that you like the above, you see someone you know and say, "Hi!" and that person answers "Holacomoestasbienbien" (Yes, so fast). They mean by that? You say it so fast you do not know if you or insulted you greeted. And on top of one does not respond and keeps walking not to say "Well, well" and that the other person's face look with "Because I said well if you do not ask?".
Another example is when we see someone we think is known and say, "Hi Johnny!" And when the person turns and looks at you, you realize that it was "Johnny." Then at that moment there are several options to make (Based on real echos):
- If you got headphones on, pretend to talk on the phone with the headset. Miras
- back as if he had shouted back. You ask
- apologize for the mistake.
X: Bold greet no more!?!?
Y: (The person turns around and stares at you)
X: (realizes that her friend was not the "Bold")
Another issue is when we talk by phone and call someone else (obviously not going to call ourselves, at best we do not have friends and spend the credit for sending you sms cell con cadenas o piropos, o sino mandando mensajes con la palabra tumbero al 2020).
O sino cuando llamamos a otra persona y cuando atiende te dicen: "Hable?". Como hable?, que quieren que hable sobre mi vida personal?, sobre lo que comí hoy a la mañana?, como me va en la escuela?.
Por que no saludan como gente normal diciendo H-O-L-A?.
Tanto le esquivan a esa palabra?, en la calle, por telefono, en el chat (Cuando abrimos una ventana de conversacion y saludamos a alguien poniendole: "Hola" y te dicen como respuesta "Todo bien?" o "Que onda?" o miles de formas diferentes) y anda a saber en que otra oportunidad.
Creo que no es muy complicado que empecemos a decir "Hola".
Y como no tengo nor more than write more inspiration.
so I leave until later.
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