Guatemala: Election Observation Missions
Interview with Alvaro Pop
by Leslie Veliz
Century (February 17 11)
"There are more indigenous entrepreneurs financiers"
has been head of the three Indian missions of electoral observation and is in the preparation phase of which will accompany the election of 2011. Álvaro Pop considers that there has been progress on indigenous participation, but still need to work more from society and the foundations of political parties. In his view, the discussions of young indigenous leaders, local and departmental highlighted in this process.
How do you rate the participation of the indigenous population in the last election?
In 2007, the census rural and indigenous areas increased to 119%, according to official data. Amount of Mayan people who participated as candidates for elective office and begins to exceed 50% in indigenous areas, much more than at any other time. And this is, no matter who have won or lost, what is measured is the application. The nomination is now a political participation in terms of achievement. Two other points are harder to measure, but substantively significant, and is the largest political party affiliation and in terms of financiers.
How has it evolved?
Involvement in political parties increased in the past, especially in 2007, and is in all parties, from right to left. Also, in the last three elections has increased the issue of financiers, there are more indigenous entrepreneurs who invest in political parties.
Will this time Observation Mission Indian?
the fourth is being prepared electoral observation mission, I have been chief of mission in the previous three and probably in the next. There have been three electoral observation processes unique in Latin America and has been in charge of Naleb body 'and a consortium of more than 10 institutions and civil society organizations in Guatemala.
How do you explain the increase in indigenous participation?
There are several reasons. First there are educational situations. There is a growing number of young men and women who are graduating from middle level, there are also more involved in committees and organizations, particularly those relating to development councils, is a political formation widening that accompanied the implementation of these ten years of the Peace Accords, then there was a lot of information, which facilitated the approach of political knowledge income sectors of the country, especially indigenous peoples.
How do you assess this participation?
Today, we have an important participation of indigenous youth with leadership in social networks. I have witnessed how to be a power show to bloom in Indian Queens, the new leaders of youth organizations and area of \u200b\u200bthe country's departments.
What will this year, the level of participation?
We'll have more participation in local debates and departmental leadership indigenous youth. An important factor is the creation of an indigenous-based political party, the Winaq .
Rigoberta Menchú
"laid the groundwork for this?
Rigoberta was the factor, as a person, that made the difference in the previous election. Today, irrespective of whether he participates or not, the difference is that there is an Indian based political party, and consequently we have to study and observe this participation to see whether there are new results and new dynamics in the wake of this game.
What should political parties to encourage participation Indian?
First, there is primary. Young people are tired of political parties with owners, bosses ... Young people want to prove to themselves and others that can compete for the leadership. Secondly, it is waiting to be multiple donors, not only big financiers.
Is racism a factor limiting participation?
Yes, completely. The Indians have made their way to positions of municipal and departmental leadership, but are still hindered in positions of national leadership. The civic committees and national leaders still have an absence significant participation. There is racism and society as a whole must learn to value youth and indigenous women, because that would demonstrate to the world that Guatemala's democracy is evolving.
Do you see a lack of commitment by the political class?
Absolutely. All parties in their campaign strategy takes into account the indigenous leadership, but to define the candidates forget and leave behind to win elections.
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