Monday, February 28, 2011

Xbox Live Cards Walgreens

ILO Convention 169 (Part I)

Irmalicia by Velásquez Nimatuj
elPeriódico (February 28, 1911)

The president, Alvaro Colom, launched last February 24 indigenous peoples the "Regulations for the process Consultation of Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. " And set 30 days, maturing on April 6, 2011, for individuals or groups to submit comments or observations to the responsible office, which is the office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.

To touch this proposed regulation substantive issues in the lives of indigenous people, I will focus on analyzing the content of it. Convention 169 was ratified by the Guatemalan government in 1996, after a tenacious struggle of several years of different expressions of indigenous peoples, Convention 169 since it is a law, therefore, must be fulfilled. However, a severe limitation is that the State did not comply, therefore, is launching this proposed regulation. It is obvious what this proposed regulation because the Right to Free consultation at all levels, in good faith and through representative institutions of indigenous peoples "whenever consideration is being given to legislative or administrative measures which may affect," which guarantees the C169 in the Section 6-but is not the only-if one of its pillars.

To start, the presentation of the proposed regulation, in its introduction, consisting of five paragraphs, not an introduction, because it explains the historical, economic and racial facing Guatemala as a state, where diverse peoples live, lives and cultures. This gap can not understand what reasons lead to the current President to embark on this delicate and dangerous task? Which seeks to legitimize the proposal presented by appointing those who consulted, as James Anaya, Special Rapporteur for Indigenous Peoples of the UN, and a seminar with officials and lawyers of the current government and the ILO. The introduction

important thing for the Indians is to determine what is the role played by the Secretary General of the ILO and James Anaya? Are you sure they and their teams have supported and accompanied this proposed regulation? If so, is problematic given the mandate they have over the defense of human rights of indigenous peoples? Or is that their names are being used in the process?

continued ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pattycake Topless Finally

Honduras: Democracy assembly-of indigenous peoples and blacks

AMLATINA ALAI, 22/02/2011.- modern political theories assumed
representative democracy as the only mechanism
politically correct. The main argument was: "The crowd can deliberate, but
is almost impossible to agree to make decisions, if not
is through their representatives." Thus, all other forms of democracy
invisible. But the consequences were fatal.
Democracy became a rite of ballot boxes, empty of content.
Public corruption was and is the lucrative business safer
for public officials. And political participation back in
citizenship. These days

meet in San Juan, Tela, over 1500 representatives
indigenous Black people of Honduras to a Constituent Assembly
refoundational. According to the traditional political theories would
crazy call and bring this many people to discuss and agree
the contents of a new State Constitution.
Moreover, for any social or political leader, whether right or left
this massive assembly would simply be unworkable.
However, people Indians and blacks, not only in Honduras, but at different latitudes
Abya Ayala,
challenge politically correct theories. Why?

Among the many truths that we accept the social costs
analytical Marxist liberal or democratic vocation of indigenous and black
. Not so much by racism, but because it is assumed that democracy is
of Western origin. Therefore, the blacks and Indians and they should educate
virtue of democracy. Furthermore, we assume that the above
(thinkers, politicians, leaders, activists) know democracy,
Indians, women, blacks, no. Perhaps because the indigenous and black
were never made as subjects in the construction of national states

But the truth is that for a while now, and the failure of Western representative democracy
, indigenous peoples and blacks
have become the subject of an assembly-democracy and community. Yes
Crowds of Indians and blacks give practical lessons
democratic and even cases to traditional leaders.
Needless to say the warlords. And one question, where
learned the Indians? As is its practice almost daily. Only
assembly-democracy and community, for high hazard,
was never recognized as a form of government for the bicentenary of Latin American states.

Self convening the Constituent Assembly
refoundational of indigenous and black peoples of Honduras left us great lessons.
not only for the country, but to the whole world which attends to the failure of representative democracy
exclusive. Observe

hundreds of men and women discussing their problems and proposed solutions
looking almost stoic mysticism, the shade of the trees
awakens wonder and admiration. In these assemblies
interests and individual ethics is contingent upon
interests and collective ethics, so the differences, instead of splitting the group
, strengthen the development of the assembly.

These meetings are not mass demonstrations where speakers parade
heat of emotion and applause of the masses.
are real working sessions, in which disciplined and
the participants, in small meetings, debating for hours. Then
attend general plenary to share the findings
consensual. Maybe not a technical language as exquisite and elites would
revolutionary or conservative. But the truth is that what
express say it with conviction and heart. That the final
that's what counts. The forms can always be supplemented with the

In the coming days, the National Resistance Front Honduras
People will hold its annual national assembly. It would be important to consider this methodology
assembly-of indigenous peoples and blacks for such meeting
popular. After all, these ancient peoples and ancient
(in the case of Miskito and Garifuna) are
hard core of resistance in the republics of Latin America. For
therefore democratic practices per se constitute an imperative ethical
must for the new social movements emerging in
Honduras and Latin America.

Ollantay Itzamná

More details at: Servicio Informativo "Alai-amlatina"

The Honduran currency is reminiscent of the glorious past of the Mayan Civilization the cacique Lempira, but the state and its political institutions have not behaved or legislated the challenge multiethnic. CM

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Front Of Hair Thinning

Guatemala: Election Observation Missions

Interview with Alvaro Pop

by Leslie Veliz
Century (February 17 11)

"There are more indigenous entrepreneurs financiers"

has been head of the three Indian missions of electoral observation and is in the preparation phase of which will accompany the election of 2011. Álvaro Pop considers that there has been progress on indigenous participation, but still need to work more from society and the foundations of political parties. In his view, the discussions of young indigenous leaders, local and departmental highlighted in this process.

How do you rate the participation of the indigenous population in the last election?

In 2007, the census rural and indigenous areas increased to 119%, according to official data. Amount of Mayan people who participated as candidates for elective office and begins to exceed 50% in indigenous areas, much more than at any other time. And this is, no matter who have won or lost, what is measured is the application. The nomination is now a political participation in terms of achievement. Two other points are harder to measure, but substantively significant, and is the largest political party affiliation and in terms of financiers.

How has it evolved?

Involvement in political parties increased in the past, especially in 2007, and is in all parties, from right to left. Also, in the last three elections has increased the issue of financiers, there are more indigenous entrepreneurs who invest in political parties.

Will this time Observation Mission Indian?

the fourth is being prepared electoral observation mission, I have been chief of mission in the previous three and probably in the next. There have been three electoral observation processes unique in Latin America and has been in charge of Naleb body 'and a consortium of more than 10 institutions and civil society organizations in Guatemala.

How do you explain the increase in indigenous participation?

There are several reasons. First there are educational situations. There is a growing number of young men and women who are graduating from middle level, there are also more involved in committees and organizations, particularly those relating to development councils, is a political formation widening that accompanied the implementation of these ten years of the Peace Accords, then there was a lot of information, which facilitated the approach of political knowledge income sectors of the country, especially indigenous peoples.

How do you assess this participation?

Today, we have an important participation of indigenous youth with leadership in social networks. I have witnessed how to be a power show to bloom in Indian Queens, the new leaders of youth organizations and area of \u200b\u200bthe country's departments.

What will this year, the level of participation?

We'll have more participation in local debates and departmental leadership indigenous youth. An important factor is the creation of an indigenous-based political party, the Winaq .

Rigoberta Menchú
"laid the groundwork for this?

Rigoberta was the factor, as a person, that made the difference in the previous election. Today, irrespective of whether he participates or not, the difference is that there is an Indian based political party, and consequently we have to study and observe this participation to see whether there are new results and new dynamics in the wake of this game.

What should political parties to encourage participation Indian?

First, there is primary. Young people are tired of political parties with owners, bosses ... Young people want to prove to themselves and others that can compete for the leadership. Secondly, it is waiting to be multiple donors, not only big financiers.

Is racism a factor limiting participation?

Yes, completely. The Indians have made their way to positions of municipal and departmental leadership, but are still hindered in positions of national leadership. The civic committees and national leaders still have an absence significant participation. There is racism and society as a whole must learn to value youth and indigenous women, because that would demonstrate to the world that Guatemala's democracy is evolving.

Do you see a lack of commitment by the political class?

Absolutely. All parties in their campaign strategy takes into account the indigenous leadership, but to define the candidates forget and leave behind to win elections.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stacy London's Titties

indigenous Indigenous and Wikileaks (iii) Indigenous and WikiLeaks

Irmalicia by Velásquez Nimatuj
elPeriódico (February 14, 1911)

conclude the discussion on racist speech issued by the President Álvaro Colom U.S. Ambassador James Derham, for Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize, and published a cable from Wikileaks. Three points are pending, the first when the president said he was present at a Maya ceremony in which indigenous leaders "Menchú formally pardoned for having betrayed his people." The second, when said to know the "truth" about the circumstances in which she learned English and her older sister, Yolanda, when he was a guerrilla taught him "up the mountain." And the last when he said that "his teacher told Indian in Guatemala never have an indigenous president for disagreements among the 22 indigenous Mayan groups. "

The first two points, since its emergence into public life attracted Rigoberta Menchú deep sympathies but also rejects, within and outside the country. Indian is the figure around which it has made as many debates, academic and political writings, but also jokes and insults. Simply review the university libraries to access to books, essays, articles and discussions about public and private life. Why this attraction to deconstruct or destroy it? What she embodies for groups economic, political and thought that does not tolerate? Why is tagged with the label were others who helped and saved from ignorance and not herself?

Mayan Within its presence triggers internal complexities. So it shows that there is no homogeneous indigenous person, but the indigenous person is different. It is a subject faces a series of oppressions, and carries with it complex play it low self-esteem. And when some Indians are reflected in it feel too "Indian" and that Indian-despised in the country, which is looking to get away, to be half accepted, it will never be accepted. Is the syndrome the child does not know how to love their mother "India", but neither father hates Ladin, who is left for social convenience.

And on the third point, in Guatemala will have an indigenous president when he achieved a strategic unit, which requires that the left give up their pride of being the vanguard and when the indigenous majority to strengthen its historical consciousness.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dragon Ball Z Bulma Mastrebates

(ii) Tribute to the intercultural

Irmalicia by Velásquez Nimatuj
elPeriódico (February 7, 1911)

A third cable is WikiLeaks when President Alvaro Colom said U.S. Ambassador James Derham the Nobel Peace Prize Rigoberta Menchú, was "partly responsible for encouraging people of a community (San Juan Sacatepéquez) near the capital to oppose the construction of a cement plant."

Colom said the facility sparked protests and one of them died the Community was in favor of the processing of cement. According to the cable, she confided to the President "to continue their participation and encourage indigenous peoples to protect their land."

However, the municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez and installation there of a cement factory Progress is a contemporary example of the results of extractive capitalism. Heartless and greedy economic system, which protects the free market law, which protects and legitimizes companies break into indigenous territories, rich in minerals, to displace its inhabitants miserable price by ordering from their property or threatening to withdraw, and extract everything they can gain them, in exchange for a few jobs. These companies do not care about the impacts on the health and lives of families who refuse to move.

addition, San Juan since 2006-when it began the discussion by the cement-to-date is an example of how to resurface in the midst of social conflict, a web of interests, long unresolved conflicts, divisions among military leaders, political, religious, economic and ethnic groups. It is clear that the cement, not only came to destroy non-renewable resources in the region, but mainly the little social fabric that had been restored after armed conflict. So today, the conflict is the communal areas, passing through the municipal and the national reach.

Given the complex scenario Is Rigoberta "partially responsible" for what happens in San Juan, where they have killed over 20 people opposed to the factory, the rule decreed by Colom prevention in arresting more than 40 men and one woman or the 50 criminal cases against more of 70 community? Yes

Rigoberta is "partly responsible for inciting", then the President is contradicted, because in that same conversation said that "the indigenous Guatemalans do not like Menchú."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brand Of Weave Did Larissa Bootz Wear

Sacayón by Eduardo Manzo
elPeriódico (February 4, 1911)

The proposal to UNESCO for the Civic Center in Guatemala City is considered Cultural Heritage of Humanity should be encouraged debate on the teaching of multiculturalism in higher education and particularly in the schools teaching architecture and engineering. Interculturalism is postponed demand to achieve a pluralistic universe, which must be present in all disciplines of education, in accordance with the strategic plan of the National University. A claim that will undoubtedly be ratified by the next congress of university reform.

over half a century ago, when multiculturalism was not fashionable visa to enter international and national conferences on education, a group of architects and artists from Guatemala, was given the task of establishing a center urban modernity, linking knowledge came as world-renowned specialists Le Corbusier and the passion of Maya architecture Frank Lloyd Wright, with the knowledge of local culture. This is the Civic Center, a tribute to multiculturalism, including interdisciplinary, blending harmoniously architecture and visual arts as well as a successful example of teamwork, where the leadership of Carlos Merida was great with Montes, Haussler and Minondo . In the outer and inner wall of these buildings in the state, Efraín Recinos, Dagoberto Vásquez, and Roberto Grajeda Mena left Goyri reflected significant passages of the national history of the main legends about the origin of earth and corn, taken from the Popol Vuh and other representations and Mayan symbols that blend artistically in these buildings.

Unfortunately, the colossal ignorance larger than the old penitentiary and the late-stage autonomy from the authorities of the institutions housing the Civic Center, has sheltered the abandonment of many of its original expression. Also contaminate tens of thousands of people who daily pass it, oblivious to the cultural value around them. We must recover this urban space for the teaching of intercultural and provide a tribute to his nomination of outstanding universal value.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Deer Stand Plans Book


by Méndez Vides
elPeriódico (February 3, 1911)

Mayan people over 500 years has survived several attempts of annihilation, since the action imposed by the English conquerors. The primitive inhabitants of these lands have learned to resist pressure to accept the humiliation and silence, to witness the rape of their daughters and wives inhibiting anger, engaged in agriculture and strong physically demanding activities, the same as originally performed conquistadores under the most severe climate of the Iberian Peninsula. In Guatemala, the horses carried los conquistadores, mientras los indígenas cargaban en sus espaldas los enseres, leña y demás, utilizando la ignominia del mecapal. Para sobrevivir se adaptaron, entendiendo con mucha claridad que en este país el dominado que se rebela es aniquilado, y que la única fuerza imbatible para lograr la reivindicación es el tiempo. Los mayas decidieron aguantar en silencio para perdurar, sacrificándose generaciones enteras, esperando que la situación se convirtiera en “ocasión” ventajosa, tal y como lo plantea la filosofía china. Y no es casualidad, porque el pensamiento milenario del oriente pudo haber llegado a estas tierras con los inmigrantes que atravesaron el estrecho de Bering congelado, según the increasingly accepted hypothesis. China puts teaching wisdom in patience, and that water is the substance most wonderful, so soft and adaptable, because without a fixed form can fill any space, and because channeled on a slope becomes dangerous, and poured into the crack of a rock, frozen by low temperatures, ice becomes so powerful it leaves the rock, despite its intrinsic toughness. To survive and ensure the claim was necessary to behave like water, horizontal patient at rest, ready to be transformed into steam or ice, ready to withstand all weather. At present, Maya has grown exponentially, and Guatemala's Maya radically, without division old Caucasian population in cities and enslaved indigenous subject and in rural areas. At present, the Mayan power has taken hold in the trade, industry, and many young people have prepared and in a few years will have locked up most of the activities and positions of power. Have been fulfilled and the master plan and prevented the annihilation. For the Maya coexistence is essential not believe in the unity because their worldview is dualistic, two opposing forces in constant tension, and harmony is achieved in the balance. But in the midst of a process as slow and rooted as it has been now There is fear that the bad habits of the past centuries remain, returning to the chaos and ethnic groups or arise to try to crush, according to custom, to the less privileged.