Tuesday, February 16, 2010

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Court agreed to halve the homes in Son Busquets

is three times the area devoted to all private and public facilities are subsidized

The Ministry of Defence and the Town Hall have reached an agreement to halved from 1668 to 831 the number of homes that will be built in the grounds of Son Busquets, as posed Court.
The Ministry has informed the City Council on 18 January, the acceptance of the proposed municipality. The agreement is tied to the agreement signed between the Ministry and the Town Hall in 1998, whereby the Ministry esbucar housing military bastion of the Prince and the Council undertook to reevaluate the use of barracks Son Busquets. During the municipal legislature of the PP, the reclassification of Son Busquets initially posed the construction of 1668 houses and 30,000 square meters of free tertiary.
The Mayoress of Palma, Aina Calvo , assumed the commitment to reduce the number of housing Son Busquets and ensure that public facilities needed in this area. In this regard, the current council has done work for two years so that the project eventually takes place in Son Busquets is a project more sustainable and consistent with the new city model .
Having been given the proposal of the current government team, the maximum number of homes that will be built in Son Busquets will be 831, just half of 1668 under the original proposal.
Adapt requirements
Palma City Council has already communicated to the Ministry of Defence to accept the new conditions, while expressing its satisfaction that accepting the new approach advocated by the government team.
The Defense Ministry believes approaches and assumes that in several meetings, has raised the city of Palma, in the sense of the need to accommodate future Son Busquets new demands of an economic nature, environmental and social sustainability.
Palma City Council initiate immediate consultations with the neighborhood, opening a participatory process with a view to drafting a PERI to collect the agreement reached between the two administrations. This instrument will set the final planning of housing, facilities, green areas, road ,...".
The final solution is agreed that the Ministry of Defence ends after two years of talks. Thus, an initial approach to the reduction of 354 dwellings (presented by the Ministry of Defence in 2008) has finally been initially forecast by half, reducing it in 831 dwellings, ie, passing a initial population of 5,000 to 2,500 people.


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