That pasha estash nerviosho?.
I know, I did not find title.
bueeeno and saaantaass, Argentina, Argentina, MEN, MEN, WOMEN, WOMEN, DO NOT LET THAT FOOLED!. Sorry I went inside the Crishtina. Well I hope this whole "Splendid." Well this topic is about the things we celebrate. Like Christmas, how nice Christmas .. Assembling the tree and put the balls, hanging things (Do not think wrong are the ornaments and garlands), lights, and the thing that goes on top (not a condom, the tip of the tree I mean). So cute when we were kids, and they said, be good or Santa is not going to bring gifts, and we stayed the whole party sitting in a chair quietly, to give us this blessed gift. The most beautiful stage is when you're a kid, because they give you great gifts. Instead when we started to grow, gifts are becoming less .. That aunt who always brought presents great now brings you a deodorant (it mean that I have a bad odor?). I know, I did not find title.
Who does not happened that was the tree and had a spectacular box giant. And we said: "NOOO SEE WHAT IS THAT!", And when opened, it was a pair of socks, with a giant box.
When would buy the fireworks, we were spending money to buy turkey for a diversion that lasted 5 minutes maximum. And while those days were the days of doing evil with fireworks. ROMPEPORTONES put fire hydrants in the street, put them in bottles and watch as they explode, etc.
O but when they come the Magi, how nice!, MAS GIFTS!, That when we are kids, our parents are (at least where I live) to the port to see the wise men who come by boat. Then when they reach land, climb up the fire trucks, and get to handing out candy, but it happens that does not deal in hand, I shoot at close range. So you do if you're stuck, you leave a bruise with candies. Or else our parents make us put our shoes, grass and water for the camels to eat and can continue to deliver gifts. That boludez. But we did it! And we spent doing great!
However, now that I grew up, come the wise men, and they give you? A pair of socks, a calsoncillo or underwear depending upon the situation. And you say: "These kings of shit, shit I laughed, I'll scratch when you see a camel!" or "What kings rats, did not hit a kick to the rising because it is the only pair of shoes I have and do not want to miss. the other pair also stole the black me Baltazar."
O but the Tooth Fairy. That ugly when you fell all the teeth that hurt like fuck it, you suffer as a black man, and your older than I was saying, when you drop the mouse will come perez and silver is going to leave. You right there you were wondering: "Why do I want money to get another tooth?".
But now that you're big, you no longer lose their teeth, but not the Tooth Fairy, bone that:
will not lose their teeth + perez = No more shirts You do not have money for the fuck of Saturday.
So I wonder, if I am part of a tooth, and put it under the silver almuhada leave me this mouse? Because the truth was quite shirts, you always left a coin, never leave me 100 pesos, or beer, or anything. Whenever a coin. Rightly tell mouse.
Well I have nothing more to say for today.
I'm going because I'm leaving school.
A hug!