On Monday the first of November the Foundation Erwin Walter Palm at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 12 ends its cycle paths and way with the participation of the architect Eugenio Perez Montas.This paper is a very personal testimony about an unforgettable character.
Eugenio Perez Montas
Al Perez Montas architect I met him first by references in his writings in the late Saturday cultural supplement of the newspaper El Caribe and then as principal of Seminars Preservation and Restoration of Monuments ICOMOS at the time was for me a distant person, a reference relating to the Colonial Zone.
I learned from Mom, the Mother of Architect Perez Montas and her sisters were cousins, but he never made reference to the Architect, although he has always shared with me documents related to my maternal grandfather and Reynaldo Valdes with the father of my grandfather.
Perez Montas becomes a close in 1981 when Nuevarquitectura Group and Student Group Javier Center, supported by CODI, a different CODIA with Juan Díaz Paniagua as Secretary Overall, we were organizing the first event of the group called "Contemporary Architecture in the Dominican Republic" an exhibition of architecture, with a series of lectures at Casa de Teatro, which constitutes the first exhibition Dominican Architecture, previously only had made the Exp UASD or Workshops that begin under the direction of the department Rafael Calventi a decade earlier.
Eugenio Perez Montas invite to participate in the event and held a meeting with him in local Javier Center, an apartment in the Jose Contreras to Alma Mater. I remember that caught my attention a beautiful shell bracelet watch that looked at the time our Architect. Your participation in this event gave brilliance that first attempt to bring the architecture to the public generally and the supplement published in The Caribbean a article, "Echoes of an event on Contemporary Architecture" which outlined the activities, which he said: "It was an invigorating conversation about general problems that concern to young architects from leading. Latent leadership heterogeneous in the crowd could be seen "
Seated left to right Eugenio Perez Montas, Gautier I, Bichara Khoury and Juan Díaz Paniagua at the" Architecture Contemporary en la República Dominicana" Casa de Teatro, 1981.
Posteriormente seguimos, a través del Grupo Nuevarquitectura y posteriormente con el CARIMOS y el ICOMOS, nuestra relación con Pérez Montás, una relación que ha ido fortaleciéndose en base al respeto mutuo y a la gran capacidad de enseñar de nuestro amigo. Debo confesar que en cualquier conversación que hemos sostenido con el Arquitecto hemos aprendido algo, además lo considero uno de los mejores conferencistas del país y es reconocido también como un líder entre los Arquitectos the scope of restoration in the Greater Caribbean.
Arq Perez Montas with Galo Plaza. The second from the left is the Arch Manolito Valverde Podesta.
Our relationship shook when he, together with the beloved Manolito Valverde Podesta, gone out of season, that we say hello to Emily and me to arrive at a social gathering at the home of Esteban Prieto on the eve of a trip to El Portillo where CARIMOS hold a meeting in the early 1980's saying jokingly "Here the boys of New Architecture, you should be fine with these two!" trust us - Emily and me, the restoration of Castle Hill, home of San Cristobal Trujillo in the tyrant never lived.
In La Isabela, with Dr. Puig, pictured see some sort of Architect and Architect Robert Berger Teódulo Blanchard.
diligent researcher, he has given us a series of texts really exquisite in form and content. His books on Las Casas Reales, the collection of his articles in the Caribbean, the book Classic Essay on the monumental work "The City of Ozama" established him as a great writer and a historian of the shaft of the city, the last Chronicler of the Indies, as I qualified in the circulation of "The City of Ozama" at the end of last century.
Eugenio Perez Montas A I have a special affection and a great professional respect, despite our different ideological approaches, it has managed to be consistent in its approach and it has sat Chair excellence in university classrooms, first at the University of Santo Domingo and then at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, which is one of the founding teachers.
I'm a big fan of Architect Perez Montas and acknowledge that I am honored by your friendship and has been for me one of my two unforgettable characters - the other being the architect I Gautier, although he did not want to believe.
His way of being, elegant and precise, their taste for the British royal family and television soap operas have been for me references of your great humanity, a humanity that makes both teacher, historian, intellectual, wonderful speaker, restaurateur and a devoted and wonderful sensitive human being.